Stone Sculpture

Capture a snap shot in time of the animals you love, whether they be family pets or any of the beautiful, wild creatures we share the world with. If you’re looking for a piece that captures the majesty of a favorite wild creature, or you want to immortalize a beloved animal family member, I can fulfill your wish beyond your wildest expectations.


Stone Sculptures One Piece At A Time

Selecting the right stone for the project is a heavy job! Steve starts by sorting through a huge amount of raw stone at his suppliers to select just the right piece for your sculpture. Next, these large blocks of stone are shaped using primarily hand tools. Hand saws, hammers, mallets & chisels, rasps & files go to work. Fine work involves detail. Then the final sanding and polishing each piece until a beautiful sculpture is revealed. Some stone sculptures are detailed, others more generalized and impressionistic - depending on the client - but as the final shape emerges, the true beauty of the stone, and the soul of the subject, is revealed. Once polished and shined to a spectacular finish, the unique beauty of the sculpture's color and characteristics is revealed.

A Soft Start

Most projects will start with sketches. Some projects will begin with a clay model. These steps allow the client and I to make changes and adjustments, something we could never do with stone. A clay model is only done if I feel it's necessary to achieve the desired result. Details can be added or removed, and can be seen in full dimension. This permits you to see what the final project will look like long before it's permanently carved in stone.

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